About Me

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By the age of 21, I was a single mother of two and feeling confident that there was no room for "religion" in my life. Christ humbled me and I came to know, love and depend on him as my personal savior. While growing in my faith, God opened my mind and my heart to a man who is now my husband, and a wonderful father to two! Through God's sovereignty, we are blended as one.

01 January 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Last night we rang in the New Year with our friends, Chad and Amber! We played a very interesting game of monopoly and exchanged Christmas gifts. No talks about New Years resolutions which was good because I have a hard time seeing mine through January:D
Looking back at 2008, I am overwhelmed with what God has done in my life. Yes, I know I still have a billion miles to go, but I am so grateful for the few miles I gained in 08'. A BIG one for me was learning to let go of what I call "the little things." You know; how Mackenzie's hair looks or if Trevor's clothes match or how Jarrod cleaned the kitchen.
The biggest thing I let go in 08' was my hatred for my father. No, we haven't made amends but I have forgiven him and I pray for the day that I can ask him to forgive me too for the anger and bitterness that I have been hanging on to for so long.
Another milestone for me in 08' was my relationship with my husband. I did not really understand what it meant to be a wife or how to let someone else come into our lives and "take control". Jarrod and I were blessed to win a weekend marriage retreat at Ridgecrest through our church, and I will say, it changed us both! I thought by most accounts, we had a good marriage; little fights here and there but we loved each other. God used that retreat to show us how much better it could be and we were both willing and ready to put Christ first in our marriage.
08' was a great year for my children as well! God chose Trevor and Mackenzie and they both accepted Christ as their savior this year! I have seen the fruits in Trevor and it is great to witness how God can use a child to do His will! He has such a heart and tons of compassion for God's people and I can't wait to see what's in store for him!
And my little girl; strong willed as ever! The fruits are there but our growth is happening more slowly! But one thing that isn't growing slowly is her love for pleasing God! If she feels she has offended Him or sinned against Him she is moved to tears. I know she will be a great disciple for Him and He will use that strong willed attitude for His glory!
After more than 5 years of being saved, I finally made the commitment and joined a church!!! YAYYYYYYY! We had been "visiting" Chad and Amber's church for over a year and we knew we felt at home there so we joined! And I joined by baptism. I finally got baptized! Jarrod had been baptized as a child but felt he made the decision without understanding the need for a personal relationship with Christ. He recommitted his life to Him and we were baptized together:D

It was a great ending to 08'! My commitment to Christ, for me, had come full circle! My closest friends and family were there to share in the day which made it all the more meaningful:D
So what's my resolution for 2009? First and foremost it's to remember who I am and whose I am! Every year I go through the cycle of putting Christ first, then getting caught up in my selfishness! I want to remember that when I am pleasing God, I am truly my happiest! I want to put my family ministry first above all other things and continue to pray for a servants heart! I also would like to stop giving up so easily when faced with someone I love who thinks that my "religion" is foolish.
To sum it all up, I just want to BE STILL, AND KNOW HE IS GOD!


Amber said...

I know '09 will be full of growth for you and your family! love ya!