About Me

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By the age of 21, I was a single mother of two and feeling confident that there was no room for "religion" in my life. Christ humbled me and I came to know, love and depend on him as my personal savior. While growing in my faith, God opened my mind and my heart to a man who is now my husband, and a wonderful father to two! Through God's sovereignty, we are blended as one.

14 October 2008

Skeletons in the closet....

It's close to Halloween and I thought this was an appropriate title for this post. We all have things in our life that we choose not to share out of fear of judgment. Well, this is one of those things.
I was reading a friends blog recently and was truly inspired by her honesty about a situation she was going through so it encouraged me to be more transparent with this situation.
Four years ago my cousin committed a sinful, and horrific act by killing his mother, brother and sister. Our family has been divided by this and it has brought out some things that had been "swept under the rug" for a long time.
My grandmother is supporting my cousin, Kenny, and visits him every week and has been way involved since day one. She is a believer, but has been fooled by many "wolves" during these four years. Although she knows the word is true, she tends to bend it now.
I'm not sure their motives, but the lawyers and several others have actually compared my cousin to Jesus. I shutter to even type that, but it's true. I have been in close contact with my grandmother during all of this because I want to be the voice of truth in her life right now, and gratefully, she listens.
In the other corner is my mother, my aunt and my uncle. They have all decided to avoid my grandmother, their mother, like the plaque until the trial is over. (it started today)
They all are holding onto a lot of baggage from their childhood and are very bitter about many things going on right now.
My mom, who is awesome, will listen to truth but is just not ready to forgive right now. I was reminded about the days before I had Jesus and just how angry I was about everything and everyone. Even when I said I was ok, there was still bitterness in my heart. There was no true peace or joy in my life, even when things were going good!
Just pray that everyone will see God's sovereignty during and after this and that his will, will be done! I also ask that you pray for forgiveness and healing in my family and that those who do not know God, or have been away for a long time will come to know Him as their Lord! And pray for Kenny and his salvation. His mother and brother and sister had accepted the Lord as their savior just weeks before they died! I know Kenny did a horrible thing, but he is no less deserving of salvation than me so please pray that he too will seek forgiveness!


Nicole Wilson Conley said...

wow... i guess i never realized there hadn't been a trial yet. praying for your family!!!

Serenity said...

Wow Dawn, I will definitely be praying for you and your family. I know it's so hard to be open sometimes, but when you are able to it can be such a blessing. Keep us updated!

Jill said...

Thanks for your openness, Dawn. This seems to be an incredibly hard situation but I know God is going to use you to represent truth.

Angela said...

You have been tagged! (I am trying to get you back writing, friend!!!)
