About Me

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By the age of 21, I was a single mother of two and feeling confident that there was no room for "religion" in my life. Christ humbled me and I came to know, love and depend on him as my personal savior. While growing in my faith, God opened my mind and my heart to a man who is now my husband, and a wonderful father to two! Through God's sovereignty, we are blended as one.

24 September 2008

Through Him ALL things are possible!!!!!

Praise be to God!!!!!!! We just received progress reports and Trevor is doing AWESOME!!! Last year he struggled and with his autism, was labeled learning disabled.
Five years ago, I went through mediation with wcpss, during which I was told that Trevor would never perform on grade level. In their eyes, I was pursuing services for my child that he would "never benefit from." They were asking me as his mother to give up and surrender to the idea of what they thought he would be.
I knew in my heart that God had a different plan!! I found comfort in knowing that He is the creator and is in total control! I have also been blessed with lots of friends who have encouraged me along the way!
Three years ago God blessed me with a husband who embraced me and my children and was willing to love them as his own. Realizing Trevor's needs, he knew we had to get him out of public school. All the members of Trevor's IEP team thought we were making a huge mistake and that we weren't be realistic. We prayed for wisdom and God opened the door for us at a wonderful christian school and it has been a blessing to our entire family!!!
Monday the kids progress reports came home and I am more than happy to announce that Trevor, our autistic son, the one which all hope was lost (according to the "professionals") is making A's and B's at his new school!
I know that God is glorified in everything and in this I am ecspecially humbled!!! It reminds me that God IS in total control and has a plan and purpose for us all. It also helps me remember that nothing is too hard for God!


Angela said...

Praise the Lord Dawn! That is such good news to hear. You are your child's ordained advocate and good for you for accepting that call with serious conviction.

I hope that you are loving this weather as much as I am!!!


Nicole Wilson Conley said...