About Me

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By the age of 21, I was a single mother of two and feeling confident that there was no room for "religion" in my life. Christ humbled me and I came to know, love and depend on him as my personal savior. While growing in my faith, God opened my mind and my heart to a man who is now my husband, and a wonderful father to two! Through God's sovereignty, we are blended as one.

14 July 2008

Why I Blog?

I am asking myself this very question as I try to set up my new blog. Several years ago, my friend Nicole asked me to create a blog so people could keep up with what was new in my life. She encouraged me to get a myspace account (we won't mention how that turned out) and then facebook. I wasn't sure if all 5 of my friends would be interested in reading about me and my family on my blog but I started one anyway.

After thinking about it and consulting my spiritual advisor, Amber:-) I realized that I might share something that can be helpful to someone else or to myself. I struggle with daily thoughts and actions that are definitely not glorifying God and I'm sure I'm not alone. So I guess I blog to share my struggles and triumphs with those who care to read about them.


Angela said...

Hey there you! Glad to see you here. Blogging, for me, is cheaper thn therapy! SOme days I blog about deep thoughts and some days I blog about not having to clean up a potty accident. It varies, LOL!!

I am looking forward to following your blog!

Angela said...

Forgot to mention that I love your family photo above :o) You are blessed friend.

Nicole Wilson Conley said...

good job! i got your message later after you called, but was beat down from the gym.
let's plan a time for me to come over and sit with you to show you things... how's that?! :)

Serenity said...

Yay! I love reading people's blogs and seeing what's going on in their lives, what they're thinking about, etc. Even if no one reads my blog, I just wanted to do it...so I did! Amber is so right, you never know how sharing your own thoughts and experiences can help someone else.